Sarah Palin

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Why Sarah Palin? I am asked this question all the time. The answer is really pretty simple. She has the values and principles that I believe in: values and principles that built this country into a great nation. She fights for what she believes regardless if its politically correct or not. She listens to the people and uses common sense in her response. She will battle politicians from both parties if it's for the will of the people. Reasons why I think even many in the Republican party are afraid of her. She knows this country is in trouble and she has good common sense solutions to help turn things around.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
But don't be confused, it's not going to be easy. All Americans will feel the effects, many governmental programs will have to be cut. The deficit has to be reduced or we will see prices continue to increase for gas, food and everything else. Can you afford gas if it's $5.00 a gallon? With drastic changes needed to turn this country around, many politicians are afraid to tell their constituents the truth for fear of losing their power and the money that follows.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
These same politicians dance around the issues and never give straight-up answers for the solutions. Sarah Palin does face the real issues head on and understands that Americans do feel the effects now and are afraid of where this country is heading.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Real people have to balance their budget or they face bankruptcy. Our government seems to just ignore this issue. People know that hard decisions have to be made now to get back on tract. Sarah Palin is the only candidate to be, that I have heard address this issues straight on with real answers.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
It's like tough love. Sometimes you have to take hard stands to save the ones you love. In this case we have to make hard and difficult decisions to save this country from losing everything that generations of families have fought so hard to protect.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Stephen B. Wells is an entrepreneur who graduated from college with a degree in Political Science and a minor degree in Economics. Stephen has over 20 years experience in business development. Due to the arrogance of the current administration and the ballooning deficit. He believes its time to nominate a candidate, who is independent of the influences of old time politics. He has concluded that candidate is Sarah Palin.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Stephen has developed and maintains a website dedicated to gathering support from voters want Palin to run President in the 2012. This site includes Sarah Palin's positions concerning the issues facing Americans today. Visit this website and sign the petition.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
As a mature woman, who has had a business, for many years, I realized how many inequities there are in this day. I also realized that many people, men and women, do not realize how many problems there are and how difficult it is to deal with these inequities. I was quite disturbed about the media's handling of the two women candidates in our last election. And even more disturbed that people thought it was perfectly okay to attack the women in such a disrespectful way, including making horrible comments about their families.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
When you read Sarah Palin's book, you will begin to understand, that attacks on her family, had to be so difficult to deal with. And I believe that you will see how wrong it is to for our citizens to be allowed to persecute a women and her children over nothing but rumors, speculation and untruths. Sarah Palin is a strong woman. She has to have a very deep faith and a tremendous belief in her convictions, to have been able to hold her head high through all of the horrible things that were said about her and her family.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
I thought a lot about the circumstances of the campaign, and I doubt that I would have been able to have kept my cool and held my head high, throughout the campaign. I believe that when you read Going Rogue and you really stop to think what it would have been like to have been in her shoes, you will find that you to will have a tremendous respect for Sarah Palin. And maybe it is time for more of us to become strong women.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Wilma Mae Miller is the author of this article. She is a mature woman. She also is a successful owner of a construction business.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Reading Sarah Palin's new book

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Was she ever forced to enter politics? Doesn't she have a choice to be and stay in the Alaskan wilderness until the end of her days if she wanted to? Give me a break!class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
In any case, as far as I know people who are really lover of wilderness rarely run for office.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
In her book she also takes her turn criticizing everyone who has criticized her in the past. She tells about the false scandals and rumors about her and her family, without really going anywhere deep on the real details about the truth. Probably leaving this out on purpose. Well, we can't blame her on that one. After all she has the right not to tell.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Also something that came up in her book is that she seems to believe that there is no more racism in America. Maybe she has never traveled into the very roots of this country when it comes to racial issues and why black people have been brought up to America in the first place. Maybe she is oblivious of the still present racism in the United States because of the only 4.2 percent of black population in Alaska.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Maybe she has never been around black folks telling her stories about what it's like to be black even to this day. If she doesn't have true stories to go by and understand what is sadly still going on today to some degree, she might want to get some study and reading done on the subject. This is one of the reasons that some people think that Sarah Palin is not ready or fit to be a president.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
So, in any case, this article is not meant to hammer on Sarah Palin, but the truth must be told as it is. If you didn't like Sarah Palin before, this book will not change your mind. If you do, you might even enjoy some moments.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
A lot of people were horrified to hear of Gifford being shot. Social media was buzzing with questions and updates and quickly came to the conclusion that Sarah Palin has somehow induced it. Many journalist wrote about her style of interview and how she had Democrats in 'Crosshairs

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
If you are in business long enough you will have to deal with some bad publicity. Everyone has unhappy customers. Some unhappy customers go to the press or put it on a website to complain. I personally have complained via the web about a company I was unhappy with. You have to realize it is part of business. You can choose to let the bad publicity sit there. What will happen? Well, you cannot control the consequences. You might have a lot of potential customers turn away from you. You could open yourself up for other type of lawsuits because people see vulnerability. If you never clear it up, you will never know when it will come back. I never recommend ignoring bad publicity, especially in an emergency.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
I do recommend being ready for these emergencies. You can do a lot of things to help mitigate the backlash. You can make sure only one spokes person from the company talks to media. Right now, as I write this article, Sarah Palin is advocating that people pray. Will it answer all her detractors? No, but it will make some people feel that she is concerned about the trend that is happening and her contribution to it. For a lot of people that is enough. After all, she did not force the man to pull the trigger. Palin did have the courage to speak for herself and not allow a spokes person to speak for her during this tragic time. Having a spokes person speak for you when bad things are happening makes you look guilty. No matter how great the spokesperson is, the public will feel you are avoiding their gaze because of guilt.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
In the face of bad publicity you can do a good deed. When the founder of Facebook realized that he seemed like a jerk, he made a huge philanthropic donation on Oprah so that people could see he was a good guy. After that he was named Time's Man of the Year. Of course, it was not just because he gave the donation, but that helped!class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Completely unknown only three years ago until she was chosen by republican candidate John McCain in August 2008 one might have thought that Sarah Palin would have gotten right back to where she came from after McCain lost the election. As we now know, this is far from the truth.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
As a matter of fact, Sarah Palin has been the focus of the news on a regular basis for the past two and half years. What is more is that she had two book releases in 12 months.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
In November 2009 she released her memoirs

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Like it or not Sarah Palin is becoming someone to reckon with.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
This is November 2010 and Sarah Palin is on tour again with her new book, America by Heart. Predictions out there are saying that this book will most likely not reach the success of the previous one. When you ask people around you if they like the woman or not, most people will answer that they don't, however, her previous book was a bestseller. So, only time will tell for sure what this book will do.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
So what is this book all about anyway?class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Some people would wonder if it's such a good move to publish two books in just 12 months apart or if it is that Sarah Palin wants to make the big buck before it's all over for her in the hall of fame. Unless she is thinking that she is just going to be too busy when she will be running for president in about a year from now. In any case, one might wonder why two books back to back.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
I'm afraid only Sarah Palin and her publisher might know this answer.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
The public is very thirsty for books written by celebrities, whoever that may be. Celebrity is a huge seller for books and this is one of the reason why Sarah Palin's books are so talked about and make sales by the million. Let see how this one will do.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
It would seem that the Republican establishment is now getting concerned that Sarah Palin and the Tea Party candidates she has backed are now pushing hard for a fundamental change to business as usual in Washington. It would seem that Palin and Co. want wholesale changes the political system but also to the fiscal policy as well. Some within the establishment fear that in fact, Mrs. Palin has taken the elephant by the horns.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
The newly victorious Tea Party candidates are coming to Washington in an angry mood to confront the establishment and are in no mood to compromise. It is also very possible that candidates like this could in fact be an important source of support for Sarah Palin if and when she decides to run for President in 2012.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
If this news is bad news for the Republican establishment, then the Democrats must be thinking that this is good news for them. They just may look at this as the only good news to come out of November's recent election.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Mrs. Palin does appear to be one of the most controversial people within American politics. In a recent survey, well over 45% of the respondents view her in a favorable light, while slightly greater percentage dot not view her favorably. She is practically split evenly with favorable versus unfavorable views. However, within the Republican and Tea Parties, she is unquestionably, one of the most popular people on the Right. Her numbers within the Right, are dramatic indeed, with nearly 8 in 10 of those surveyed viewing her favorably compared to less than 20% of those viewing her as unfavorable.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
The Tea Party are a loose fitting group of folks that have no established leader such as the Democrats do under President Obama. They essentially run under the Republican banner, but many of them do not really consider themselves to be Republicans. They also have an agenda consisting of disciplined adherence to the Constitution, eventual elimination of the Country's debt, and balancing the federal budget. Many people view Palin's endorsements of many of the Tea Party candidate as a deciding factor in their wins in the November election.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Republicans were able to use the Country's economic problems as a cudgel against Obma and the Democrats to capture a majority within the US House and nearly the Senate as well. Oddly enough, there are some within the Republican establishment who would make the claim that Mrs. Palin, through reckless endorsements of some less than stellar candidates actually cost the GOP control of the senate.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Palin is very cagey when asked about whether or not she will run for President in 2012. She may just be waiting to see how the Tea Party movement will play out or may try to build her base of support a bit more before announcing. However, one point must be mentioned if she decides to run for President. However popular she is with the Right, how will she be able to overcome her high negatives with the left and with the middle of the Country? The hard Right wing would be thrilled with a Palin candidacy, but how can she garner enough support with those outside of the Republican base?class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Although Sarah Palin has not announced she is running for President in 2012 (it's still way too early for that kind of announcement) she does appear to likely to run due to all of the ads for the

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
As of right now it seems possible that she could indeed end up as the Republican nominee for President in 2012. That's what the far right of the Republican party wants and as luck would have it, it's also what most people in the Democratic party want because she is seen (for good reason) as an extremely easy general election opponent for President Obama (assuming of course he is going to be running for a second term as President in 2012.)class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
The Republican party is shrinking fast and because it is shrinking, those that are left have more power within the party. Those that are left are more extreme right wing in their views which is why they are more likely to vote for someone like Sarah Palin who is well outside the mainstream of America.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
If President Obama continues to perform as well over the next four years as he has over the first 100 days of his Presidency and if the economy does recover by 2012 (which as of right now is far from certain) then it's likely he will be quite popular and thus difficult to beat even by a strong Republican candidate (not that there appear to be any such strong Republican candidates available.)class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
But if he were to go up against someone as radically right wing as Sarah Palin in 2012 in such a situation it's likely that Obama would win in a huge landslide. While Palin would likely win some states because states such as Utah & Oklahoma are so

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
I stopped construction of the

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
These are the key points and credentials most often cited by Sarah Palin in her campaign speeches. Sadly, they are all completely false as well. Let's address them one at a time:class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
On Stopping the Bridge to Nowhereclass=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
If you're not familiar with it, the so-called

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
In truth, Palin was initially a staunch and vocal supporter of the bridge project. In 2006, she told the local chamber of commerce:

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Sarah Palin never told the Congress,

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
On Visiting the Troops in Iraclass=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
When questioned about her foreign policy experience and travels, Sarah Palin has often spoken emotionally about

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
On a humorous side note, she also frequently mentioned her travels to Ireland. Her plane made a refueling stop there once.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
On Selling the Luxury Planeclass=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
In further attempts to establish her strong character and fiscal savvy, Palin has often stated that she sold the Alaska governor's plane on eBay for a profit. This one is almost true, but not quite. She put the plane on eBay, but it went unsold for months. The plane was sold after it was removed from eBay -- and for a loss, not a profit.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
On Challenging Earmarks and Wasteful Spendinclass=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Sarah Palin often cites how she has stood up against earmarks and wasteful

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
It makes for another good applause line, but is it true? Hardly.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
As the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, Palin hired lobbyist Steve Silver to secure federal earmarks for the small town. The town was awarded $27 million in earmarked federal funding during Palin's two terms.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
In 2008, Alaska received $155 million in earmark funding. Alaska has a population of around 670,000 people. That equates to around $231 per person in earmark funding, more than most states.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
According to the Wall Street Journal:

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
When questioned by ABC's Charlie Gibson about all of this earmark spending under her leadership (as both mayor and governor), she admitted to it. Then she went on to explain how it won't be tolerated in a McCain-Palin administration, adding that

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
A Disturbing Psychological Pattern We all know that politicians stretch the truth. Some stretch it further than others. That's not what I find shocking. What bewilders me -- and quite frankly, what frightens me -- is the fact that most of the statements Governor Palin uses to prove her qualifications can be easily disproved. But she just keeps doing it, like the pathological liar character Jon Lovitz used to play on Saturday Night Live.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Even more baffling is the reason why she says these things. It's a disturbing pattern of speaking before thinking, and then backpedaling when the truth comes out -- with greater frequency than any other politician I've seen in decades.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Palin said it herself, describing how her husband Todd says she

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
My question to you is this: Do we really need a Vice President who says the first thing that pops into her head, regardless of the accuracy of the statement? Do we need somebody who positions themselves on a mountain of lies and calls it a platform? I guess we will find out on November 4.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
On the positive side, there is one credential Sarah Palin often touts that is completely true. She often cites the fact that she's a

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
You better believe it! If you were just to do a Google search of Sarah Palin, you will get a pretty good idea just how popular she is. There are pages and pages of interesting stuff on, or about, Sarah Palin. We did an analytical study on search engines to see what people were interested in with the search for the name Palin and just how many were searching. You better believe it! If you were just to do a Google search of Sarah Palin, you will get a pretty good idea just how popular she is. A much broader search shows nearly double the number of people who are interested in Sarah Palin. There is no other conservative candidate that comes anywhere close to these numbers.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
We can take it a step further and look at the

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Mitt Romney with seventy-four thousand searches Romney, arguable may be the front-runner for the GOP. He has a solid business reputation, lots of money and a political machine ready to move on stand-by. However, his demise may be the health care legislation he pushed for in Massachusetts similar to the Obama Universal Health Care Bill; or his reputation for flip-flopping on the abortion issue; or the belief by many Republicans that he isn't a true conservative; or the fact that many in this country question whether a Mormon could even be elected. Nevertheless, Romney's name is popular within the GOP.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Mike Huckabee thirty-three thousand searches Mike Huckabee's name is being thrown around as another possible front runner for the GOP. He is popular with the far right religious conservatives and seems to be getting support from certain elements with in the Tea Party. However, he may be too far to the right and too religious for main stream America.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Newt Gingrich with nearly seventy-four thousand searches Another name being discussed as a potential front runner is the ex-Speaker Newt Gingrich. A conservative by name, he seems to move his positions on issues as the wind blows. Another career politician who talks in circles depending on the current mood and swing of the most recent political surveys.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
There are a number of GOP

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
So, with the GOP usually going with the candidates who have experience on the National stage, Sarah Palin has to considered to be the front-runner for the 2012 campaign. If you add in her immense popularity with Tea Party members and the overwhelming lead in Internet searches on her, you better take her seriously. Sarah Palin may just become the first woman president of the United States. At least our mathematical models indicate a strong leader with great potential.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
I think we should all think about the question that's not being asked. Is the GOP ready for Sarah Palin as the presidential candidate for the party? I think the GOP is not ready for Sarah Palin, and in fact, we believe they are afraid of her because of the power she has with the people. Using the power of the people behind her, Palin could make waves in Washington that threaten the power of the party. After all, it has been the

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Stephen B. Wells is an entrepreneur who graduated from college with a degree in Political Science and a minor degree in Economics. Stephen has over 20 years experience in business development. Due to the arrogance of the current administration and the ballooning deficit. He believes its time to nominate a candidate, who is independent of the influences of old time politics. He has concluded that candidate is Sarah Palin.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Stephen had developed and maintains a website dedicated to gathering support from voters to convince Sarah Palin to run for President in the 2012. This site includes Sarah Palins positions concerning the issues facing Americans today. Visit this website and sign the petition, which is there, to show your support for Sarah Palin.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
It depends on who you ask! Many people seem to think she is definitely running, but other people think she is definitely not running. I would argue that she is going to influence the election of 2012 regardless of whether she is running for President or not. Her star power among Republicans and the Tea Party movement makes her a force to be reckoned with. If she runs, she will be one of the front-runners for the GOP nomination. If she does not run, her endorsement of one of the other candidates could send that candidate to the nomination.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Without further ado, it is time to answer the million dollar question. Is Sarah Palin running for President in 2012? 1. Here are the reasons Palin is running for President in 2012: Palin recently went on a bus tour around the United States. She visited many of the key political states that will make determine the GOP nominee for 2012. Some of the states she visited included Iowa and New Hampshire. It would not make sense for her to go on a bus tour if she was not seriously considering a run. The bus tour is an unofficial presidential exploratory study that she is running to see if she has a chance to win the nomination.  2. She has not stated whether or not she is running. If Palin was definitely not running, she wouldn't keep everyone guessing. 3. She has purchased a house in Arizona. This resolves many of the logistical hurdles she would face if she tried to run a campaign from Alaska. It is much easier to travel around the continental 48 states.class=the celebrities women

The Celebrities Women

Sarah palin
Is Sarah Palin running for President in 2012? 1. Here are the reasons Palin is not running for President in 2012: Palin has a great life today. She is making millions of dollars from her book, her TV show, her speaking engagements, and everything else she is doing now. Why would she want to give up all that money and fame to run a grueling campaign? She doesn't need to run for President for financial reasons or promotional reasons. 2. She is not the leading GOP candidate in the polls. Mitt Romney is getting the most support, and Herman Cain is tied with Palin in most polls. 3. Many of the leading voices in conservative news and radio say they do not think she is running. Many of these leading voices like Glenn Beck, Shawn Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh have probably had private conversations with her that lead them to have these opinions about her aspirations for 2012.  Is Sarah Palin running for President in 2012? You can definitely make arguments either way. It will likely be several weeks before we know for sure if she is running.class=the celebrities women